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PINATA RAINBOW DONKEY 2: ($45.00) (Free Stick) Dimensions: 57cm x 37cm x 14cm One legend says that the pi�ata originated in China where Marco Polo saw it and brought it back to Italy. The Chinese version was typically a hollow effigy of a farm animal filled with seeds. In Italy the "pignatta," as it became to be known, was popularized by a game played by Roman soldiers who would hang clay pots and try to hit the pots with their swords while blindfolded. This game spread to Spain where it became a Lenten tradition. Playing the pinata game: A traditional pi�ata is hung at a certain height with players taking turns to hit the pi�ata with a stick or pinata buster until it breaks open. Then everyone races to collect the sweets and other treats that fall out onto the ground below.

Pinata Large Rainbow Donkey (57cm x 37cm x 14cm) (With Free Stick)

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